lunes, 1 de octubre de 2007


Back to school. Now it´s time to get up early, do homework, study and why not...? have fun!
I hope you all use this blog to learn English and also to enjoy yourselves and have a good time.

What about your holidays?

I ´d like to know something about your summer holidays. Did you go to the beach? Did you travel to any far away city? Did you meet someone interesting?
Write some words in English and tell everybody how nice your summer holidays were.

"In summer I went to the beach in Fuengirola. I went with my family and we stayed in a nice apartment. My children enjoyed a lot there. We found lots of jellyfish in the sea. They are dangerous and you can´t go into the water.
Later I spent two weeks in a small village in the north of Spain, in Soria. My husband´s father has got a house there and we meet there every summer. This year we went to swim to a small river but the water was extremely cold. There the weather is not as hot as in the south. We lit the fire every night in August!"

Now it´s your turn. Write your composition!

5 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

ola rosario
no se si ya te acordaras de mi
Soy dani perez(de 4ºC el año pasado)
decirte ke me akuerdo muxo de ti y ke haber si un dia me puedo escapar un diita para visitaros
este año, la profe de ingles no es mala pero, me gustaban mas tus clases
exo de menos tantos buenos ratos en la clase, las risas y las canciones, los examenes ahora son MUY BUENOS REKUERDOS KE NO SE ME BORRARAN EN LA VIDA
dale recuerdos a angel, que lo exo muxo de menos
tú, katy y ángel habeis sido muy especiales para mi
espero ke todo os vaya bien en este kurso
no se te olvide darle los rekuerdos
adios profe
un fuerte abrazo

Anónimo dijo...

Hi Dani,
I´m glad to hear from you. Thank you very much, I miss you all too. I hope you enjoy your time in the new school and I´m sure you will get anything you want because you´re hardworking. I´ll give your regards to the teachers and please, come to see us one day.
Thank you and good luck.
P.S. You can go on visiting my blog and use the activities to improve your English.

Anónimo dijo...

ola maestra soy rakel la de 1ºC quiero que sigas siendo tan buena como siempre. te quiero rakel

Anónimo dijo...

Hi Raquel,
I´m glad you have seen my blog.
This is a good tool to learn more English. Next time try to say hello in English ok?
I love you too. Thank you.

Anónimo dijo...

ajajajajaja... hello dear teacher...i´m speaking in english, i´m using the "verbals times" what i learn this course.... bueno, que lo mio no es el inglés... rosarioiscoming!!!!!!... anda hija, que me acuerdo muy poco de tí.... la verdad, es que aunque the new teacher of this course is well, uno, echa de menos la etapa de nuestra vida que pasamos en el IES San Antonio, y como vosotros sois parte de esa etapa, pos a vosotros...

pues nada, "Rosarito" ;)..i don´t forget (en futuro), we aren´t forgeting never.... un besooo muy grandee... y haber si un dia de estos te mando un correo...sigues con la misma cuenta no??

JUAN CARLOS RUIZ SALAS... un antiguo alumno